These are the pictures that I have decided to use in the magazine that I'll be creating, this may not be what the pictures look like exactly when I've finished editing all of the pictures and coming up with the different ways that I'd like the pictures to be shown in the magazine.
Picture 1 - I'll be editing picture 1 and using it on my main page, this is because I feel that the picture shows the model playing an instrument and looking right into the camera, this could catch the eye of anyone who would look at the camera, and the model is also surrounded by an amp and a acoustic guitar, this clearly shows that the instrument that the model would play in the band being featured would be a guitar.
Picture 2 - I was planning on using picture 2 as the manager of the band, the pictures purpose would be to get the reader to turn over the page to go to the next story, possibly a story the manager would have told in an interview about some concerns that he may have about the band, and where he sees them going, this could help to keep the attention of the decoder, and make them want to read the magazine much more.
Picture 3 - I was considering using picture 3 as a drug problem, as the model in the photo looks like he's on drugs, I purposely chose to do this as it creates an aspect of drama to the magazine, and drama makes people want to read the story, this can act as an incentive for people to buy the magazine, and would be keep the attention of the decoder, and make them want to read on.
Picture 4 - I'm not too sure at the moment what I will do exactly with picture 4, however it will be on the double page spread that I'll be making, this will probably be the centre piece of the whole article, but I will probably edit it and black scale him down to be a cool looking outline, with a professional feel.
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