Sunday, 22 April 2012

Photo shoot planning

Photo Planning.
Where? – I will be taking the pictures for my magazine at school, this is because I would like to have a white background to my pictures, so that I could easily edit the backgrounds to anything that I feel would fit, and the school has many rooms with just white walls. Also you can get a lot of instruments at school for props for the pictures, so that it would make it more suitable for  

For the photo shoot, I will use the same model throughout the entirety of the magazine, and they will be "The band" this helps keep familiarity with the magazine.

For the photo shoot I will have the models that I am using perform in the poses that have been shown on my front page mock up, so that it would be much easier to recreate the most magazine, and do it in an eye catching way, that could prompt the target audience to purchase the magazine, so that they could see what else is in the magazine. I will be using a few of my piers as models for my magazine, this can be helpful as I would be able to get a large variety of pictures, and from this variety I could possibly find a picture that may be better suited to the front cover than I had originally expected them to be.

I could also get my model to pose with an instrument, this would help for the picture to create a much more authentic feel to it, as nearly every other magazine that I had looked at whilst researching them that had an artist on the front page, seemed to have an instrument or talk about the artists band on the front cover, because of this, I feel that it is very necessary that my model be using a guitar or other instrument that leaves no confusion to what they're supposed to be.

Props will not be used for every single picture that I will take, this is because when someone is in a band, they do not carry their instruments around with them, as they would only really have them when they're getting ready to play a show, because of this not all the pictures that I will be taking will have an instrument with them, as it would not be necessary to have one in every picture, and could make the picture quite irrelevant.

As well as taking pictures, I will also have to consider all the different camera angles that I would have to do for the shots that would be needed for the magazine. The usage of camera angles on the model could make sure that the pictures aren't just boring, straight on, but instead would create a different feel and give a better impression of the model, this could change the feel of the magazine front cover depending on how the image is taken.

I was thinking that for the shot of the model I would get a full body shot of the main artist, playing their instrument, this would then be put onto the front page as the main article picture, as many magazines have either a medium shot or a long shot of their main article feature, so this will help to create the feel of this.

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