Sunday, 22 April 2012

Double page spread mock up

This in an example of my double page spread, I will be attempting to recreate this as my magazines double page spread
I have decided to go with this layout because of a few reasons. I decided to go with the model in the middle of the page because this would make the model the centre of attention, this would make it obvious for the target audience that they're what the writing on the article is about, they should be able to recognise that the main person is from a band.
I thought that I'd have the model centred because then I could have the writing bend around the picture. I got this idea from a Rolling Stones double page spread, this gave me the idea that having a few pictures could really keep the interest of the reader, because it allows them to constantly be able to see something new, and make them want to read on more about the other articles.the pictures shouldn't fully blend in with the page as they would then become part of the background to the double page spread, this could then cause them to not generate as much interest, this could make the decoder start to lose interest with the magazine quickly, and they might not want to purchase it again in the future because they found it boring.
Throughout the double page spread I will try and make the writing interesting and relevant, so that the decoder is able to read about the musician that they would have purchased the magazine to read about, instead of having to read through many pages of text to find the bit they're actually interested in, to help the decoder find what they want to read, I will include some intertetual links, this will be done by having a clear and easy to read heading at the top of the double page spread, so that the decoder easily knows what each page is about. 
I will also use a variety of colours throughout the magazine double page spread, as the use of the different colours could make it much easier for the decoder to find the information that they would be looking for, such as i will change the replies from the artist in the interview from to yellow, so you can easily find the start and end of the interview that will be had, this makes it much more decoder friendly, and I will also have the title of the pages in red, as that would then be able to make the page much easier to understand what each page is, and also keeps the feel of a the Rock theme.

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