Sunday, 22 April 2012

Photo shoot planning.

Photo shoot planning
For my photo shoot I will be arranging a get together with a few of my friends that will all be put in different situations with guitars so that I could use them for my front cover/double page spread.

I will try to get my friends to pose in the positions shown in my mock up design of the magazine, this makes it possible for me to get a more accurate depiction of my front cover that I had planned for my magazine, and will allow me to have a variety of people to show for my band and various stories on the front page, and I will need my band members to have a guitar, for the front page image. I will also be able to use my friends for this as when I imagined my front cover I had a specific idea of what I wanted it to look like and what I wanted my friends to be in the front cover.
I’ll be using a guitar and a few other relevant instrument props so that it’s very obvious it’s a band and not misunderstood for anything els. So this would make it much more obvious what the purpose of the pictures are for and also what the whole magazines purpose is.
For all the pictures that I will be taking I may not use props in all of the photo’s because not all the stories on the main pages are of bands playing, also I’ve been researching other magazines and been able to see that not all of images on the screen are full of instruments
I will also use many different camera angles to make my pictures be much more intuitive and exciting, I’ll try to use a worms eye view to show the model playing on the guitar, and some medium close ups, and medium shots of the whole person, I’ll probably make the images black and white and black out the background, so the person I’ll be using will be the centre of attention on the front page, this will make it so that the model is the centre of attention.
I think I’ll probably get a picture of 2 members of the band together, as my models are actually skilled at playing the instruments I’ll have pictures of them playing, probably in a park or against a tree, to show that bands aren’t always stocked up doing gigs etc.

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